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The Art Of Negotiation – AVAILABLE ONLINE


16 Juni 2020 | Rp 1.000.000 – Online Training
14 Juli 2020 | Rp 1.000.000 – Online Training
13 Agustus 2020 | Rp 1.000.000 – Online Training

Jadwal Training Online 2020 Selanjutnya …



Overview Training The Art Of Negotiation

Your success in all aspects of business and life itself is directly related to the outcome of your negotiations. The outcome of any of your negotiations is an agreement. And the agreements you negotiate can be strong or weak; short-lived or lasting; cooperative or hostile; favorable or unfavorable.

Every Success You Achieve Depends upon a Winning Negotiation and a Lasting Agreement. We used to think that only diplomats, lawyers, or labor and management representatives had to be skillful negotiators. Now we know that negotiating is a critical, everyday skill that’s absolutely essential anytime it’s necessary to create a lasting agreement—whether with another person, another business or another nation. It’s not “routine”; it needs to be taught

You Can Achieve Only What You Can Negotiate. Whether you are involved in buying, purchasing, selling, contracts, financial or real estate transactions, collective bargaining, acquisitions, customer disputes, legal disagreements, or international business, you can increase your ability to create lasting, more permanent agreements by improving your negotiating skills.


Materi Training The Art Of Negotiation

  1. Introduction to Negotiation
    • Conceptual Framework
    • Levels of applicability
    • Understanding Behavioral Patterns
    • Points of Agreement
    • Negotiation Attitudes
    • Philosophies: Win-Lose vs. Win-win
    • The Factor of Time in Negotiation
  2. Negotiation Exercise (Case Study #1)
    • Participants into negotiation groups and teams
    • Explanation of negotiation problem and “secret information”
    • Analysis of negotiation with reports by participants (conclusions and evaluations)
  3. Preparation and the Negotiation Process
    • Check Lists and Map for Preparation
    • Subject Matter of Negotiation
    • Objectives
    • Assumptions and Facts
    • Issues and Agendas
    • Positions
    • Needs and “Need Theory of Negotiation”
  4. Negotiation Exercise (Case Study #2)
    • Participants into negotiation groups and teams
    • Explanation of negotiation problem and “secret information”
    • Explanation of Climates
    • Using Assigned Climates in negotiation exercise
    • Using Assigned Strategies and Tactics in negotiation exercise
    • Analysis of negotiation with reports by participants (conclusions and evaluations), discussion of strategies and tactics (with examples), climates (defensive vs. supportive), and contrasting negotiation results (Case study #1 with Case study #2).
  5. Listening in Negotiation
    • Analysis of different types of listening
    • The Art of Listening
    • How to become a “Nondirective” Listener
  6. Questions and Negotiation
    • How Questions Function
    • Functions of Questions
    • Using Effective Questions in Negotiation
    • Using Questions to Control the Negotiation
    • Question Map and Matrix
  7. Non-Verbal Communication
    • Relevance in Negotiation
    • Reading Specific Gestures, Feelings, and Mannerisms
    • “Meta-Talk”- Hidden Meanings in Conversations
    • Specific meanings behind speaker’s words
  8. Conclusions of Negotiation program and Improvement of Skills
    1. Reasons why many negotiations fail
    2. Why you will be a better negotiator after this program



Trainer Team


Jadwal dan Investasi Training Online 2020

  1. Tanggal 16 Juni 2020
  2. Tanggal 14 Juli 2020
  3. Tanggal 13 Agustus 2020
  4. Tanggal 14 September 2020
  5. Tanggal 14 Oktober 2020
  6. Tanggal 16 November 2020
  7. Tanggal 14 Desember 2020


Investasi :

  • Rp 1.000.000,- (Satu Juta Rupiah) Running Minimal 2 Orang Peserta
  • Rp 1.750.000,- (Satu Juta Tujuh Ratus Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah) Langsung Running On Schedule


Fasilitas :

  1. Soft Copy Materi (Dikirim By Email)
  2. Sertifikat Kehadiran (Dikirim Via JNE)


Training The Art Of Negotiation


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