Butuh Training?

Silakan ketik kebutuhan training Anda di sini. Ada lebih 14.000 topik dan 250.000 event sepanjang tahun 2024


Surface Production Systems

Event 17 – 19 Mei 2016 | Rp. 8.500.000 per peserta di Hotel Merapi Merbabu, Yogyakarta 14 – 16 Juni 2016 | Rp. 8.500.000 per peserta di Hotel Merapi Merbabu, Yogyakarta 25 – 27 Juli 2016 | Rp. 8.500.000 per peserta di Hotel Merapi Merbabu, Yogyakarta 10 – 12 Agustus . . . Read more


Acara March 02 – 05, 2015 | Rp. 9.900.000,-/participant at BANDUNG August 03 – 06, 2015 | Rp. 9.900.000,-/participant at BANDUNG October 05 – 08, 2015 | Rp. 9.900.000,-/participant at BANDUNG   Why Should You Attend on Oil & Gas Surface Training? This practical approach course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of Surface Production . . . Read more

Oil And Gas Surface Production

Acara 06 – 08 Mei 2014 |  IDR  7.000.000 di Yogyakarta 01 – 03 Juli 2014 |  IDR 7.000.000 di Yogyakarta 02 – 04 September 2014 |  IDR  7.000.000 di Yogyakarta 04 – 06 November 2014 | IDR 7.000.000 di Yogyakarta   DESKRIPSI           Dunia pertambangan oil and gas menjadi salah satu komoditi terbesar saat ini, usaha di bidang ini pun tidak dapat ditangani dengan kemampuan yang meragukan. Bisnis oil and gas memerlukan keahlian yang . . . Read more

Surface Production System & Facility

EVENT 02 – 05 Desember 2013 | Rp 5.800.000 at Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel, Yogyakarta   TRAINING OBJECTIVES Surface Production System & Facility Understand the basic concept of oil and gas handling processes and facilities, and how to operate this technology in field application. Diagnostic of oil and gas reservoir performance under actual . . . Read more


ACARA 3 – 5 September 2013 | IDR 9.750.000,- di Hotel Holiday Inn, Bandung SASARAN BELAJAR KURSUS SURFACE PRODUCTION OPERATION AND EQUIPMENT Setelah menyelesaikan kursus ini diharapkan peserta dapat : Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar penggunaan peralatan sumur produksi di atas permukaan, untuk lapangan-lapangan minyak dan gas bumi . Melakukan diagnosis sederhana . . . Read more

Surface Production Operation & Equipment

EVENT 25 – 27 Juni 2013 | IDR 9.750.000,- at Hotel Luxton, Bandung     COURSE OBJECTIVES Surface Production Operation & Equipment After participate in thid course, the participants will be abble and cappable to : ¨    Understand the basic concept of oil and gas handling processes and facilities, and . . . Read more