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Category: Operational

Human Machine Interface

EVENT 9 – 12 September 2013 | Rp. 7.500.000,- / participant at Golden Flower Hotel, Bandung   DESCRIPTION Covers concept of interaction between machine and human, presentation of information, alarm, management of alarm, data trending. Provide human machine interface types and related hardware/software. Understands communication between human machine interface (HMI) . . . Read more

Ball Mill Operations and Maintenance

Acara 17 – 20 September 2013 | IDR 7,000,000.00 per participant di Yogyakarta 15 – 18 Oktober 2013 | IDR 7,000,000.00 per participant di Yogyakarta 26 – 29 November 2013 | IDR 7,000,000.00 per participant di Yogyakarta   BALL MILL DESCRIPTION Having skilled team plays a key role in the optimal utilization of the grinding installation in the cement . . . Read more