_("Advanced: Contact Form with Custom Err Messages") _("This form preset is based on the default preset, however, coming with field specific custom error texts. Please check your fancy error message settings, to make sure they're actually displayed.") ff~~~Contact Us$#$fieldsetstart$#$0$#$0$#$0$#$0 ff~~~Your Name|err:Please provide your name.$#$textfield$#$1$#$0$#$1$#$0 ff~~~Email|err:A valid email address is required!$#$textfield$#$1$#$1$#$0$#$0 ff~~~Website|http://$#$textfield$#$0$#$0$#$0$#$0 ff~~~Message|err: 'Have nothing to say?$#$textarea$#$1$#$0$#$0$#$0 ri~~~(required) re~~~(valid email required) tf~~~0